(Taken from Mrs. Yates’ Classroom Blog)
Mrs. Yates:
Dinosaurs have fascinated Paleontologists for years. They are creatures that once roamed this earth and hold a mystery that we continue to try and solve each day. Write a paragraph about these mysterious creatures we call dinosaurs. Tell what you know about the time period, for example, when they existed. Talk about the characteristics that made dinosaurs different from each other, for example, what they ate and how they defended themselves. How do you think they became extinct and why do we, as humans, know so much about them?
Dinosaurs have lived long ago. They are very fun to learn about because no one has ever seen one. I think that dinosaurs got extinct because there was a lot of erosion. There were lots of time periods like the Jurassic period and the Cretaceous period. They all had different habitats like the plains, the forest, the swamp, and the desert. We as people know so much about dinosaurs because we have found so many fossils and imprints of dinosaurs. A meat eater is a carnivore and a plant eater is a herbivore but I forgot the one that eats plants and meat. If I were a scientist I would probably study dinosaurs.