I wrote this for an assignment in Language Arts class. One of the requirements was that it had to be 90 seconds long. I had tried several attempts before this, but had trouble with the length and finally ended up with this. I hope you enjoy it.
The Gift of Life
In life, there are many ups and downs
Just like a rollercoaster, speeding along its tracks
Good choices, and bad choices
Rights and wrongs
Yin and yang
In life, people come and go,
Just like the tide ebbs and flows
Don’t worry if you feel lost or scared,
weary or sad,
because for every down in life, there is an up
The stairway of life may seem very difficult at times,
but when you look back down to see how far you’ve come,
The ground is nowhere in sight,
and you realize how far you’ve climbed to get to where you are
So don’t stop now,
keep moving along,
and achieve the goals and dreams you never thought youcould
Life is a never-ending story,
and you’re the author
You must write on
because only you can make your life the way you want it to be
Life is not a path of easiness and simplicity
it is a path of obstacles, difficulty, and sorrow
But you push through these things,
and find yourself happy, prosperous, and peaceful
Life is about inspiring others and making a difference in their lives
no matter how big or small
God sent us all down to Earth to do something
To change the world,
and make it a better place than it was before we were born
Life is a Pendulum
It swings and sways from side to side,
Representing the good and bad in your life
For all the bad things that have happened,
The pendulum will swing that much more towards the good
So don’t worry if you’re on the bad side of the pendulum,
For you are bound to swing eventually
Take risks, and embark on the adventure of Life
Love yourself for who you are,
and respect others for who they are
Accept that life is an opportunity,
And a gift given to us all
from the Heavens above
Thanks for reading.