My Day with Puracyn

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Hey Friends!

I had the BEST day today. I went up north to the San Gabriel Mountains where my Sponsor, Puracyn is headquartered. There, I spent the day filming for a video they are putting together. I met several members of the Puracyn family, who were all super nice and funny. We started in the mountain where Mic, the cameraman took footage of me running in the hilly trails.

Here he is giving me instructions on what to do:


Right before my first run, I spotted a giant black rattlesnake slithering across the trail into the bushes. It freaked me out and I had to do my best to block it out. It was so long, all you can see here is its mid-section:


I ended up having to do several takes running up a long, steep hill and I have to say, it was pretty tough. I ended up getting quite a workout!


I also had to memorize and say some lines. I’ve never done this before so it was a little scary since I didn’t have much time to learn the lines! I didn’t want to hold Mic up too much by messing up a lot so I immediately started cramming the script into my head. The good news is, I am generally good at memorizing things 🙂


We did a few more short runs and then taped me talking to the camera. I had to do this a lot of times, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.


Once we finished the speaking portion, we drove to the company founder’s ranch to do the rest of our filming. It was a really amazing place. There were dogs running free everywhere. They had a really beautiful pond with koi fish in it. I loved that I spotted a dragonfly whizzing around.


Mic picked a location for me to bike and then I got on the Puracyn bike for several takes! This was so fun because I had so much space to ride and the ranch was really pretty and peaceful.


Once Mic was happy with the biking footage, we moved on to the pool. It was a hot and sunny day so I thought, hey, that’s going to be so refreshing! However, the pool was not heated. In fact, the water was FREEZING!!! I’ve swam in really cold ocean temperatures without a wetsuit and always seem to be able to adjust to really cold temps but this pool seemed like the coldest I’d ever experienced. I had to wait a while for Mic to get his camera gear ready. Even though I wanted to get warm, I couldn’t resist the diving board. Every time I looked at it, I felt like I had to jump off it. So I did. And every time I came out of the water I would scream from the cold. Then I did it all over again.


After the swim portion, we were all done. I had such a great day and couldn’t imagine that it could get any better. But it did. On the ranch, they also had horse stables and a ring. When they heard that I had never been near a horse before, they asked if I’d like to take a tour of the stables. I said “Yeah!” When we got there, it was amazing. There were maybe a dozen stables with horses names on each door. The horses were really big and beautiful. It turned out that their very special and talented horse trainer was there and she asked if I would like to ride one. WHAAAA??? Um.. YEAH!! I couldn’t believe I was going to get to ride a horse right there.

The trainer’s name was Obbie and she was incredible. I thought she was going to hold onto the horse and walk him around with me. NO. She just gave me instructions of what to do and it was crazy. This was the most incredible thing. Me riding a horse for the first time.


Every time I got something down, she would stop and tell me something new to try. It was a jam-packed lesson. Hold the reins this way; kick with the opposite foot; give him a pat; lean that way; straighten your legs; make a clicking sound with your mouth at the same time… Oh my gosh, it was harder than learning the controls of a new DS game! But so fun!!! I eventually got “Dunny-Boy” to trot. That was awesome.


Wow, so after all that, it was almost 4pm and almost time for us to leave. We went to get cleaned up and load up the car with my gear and tons of Puracyn products (yeah!). Just before we left, Danielle, one of the team members, told us she wanted to show us something. So we followed her to another room and I couldn’t believe my ears and eyes. Everyone was singing happy birthday to me as they carried a cake full of candles. My birthday was a week ago and I have no idea how they even knew it had passed but I was really blown away. They made me feel so special all day long, it just kept getting better and better.


I had the most incredible day and experience- one that I will never forget, thanks to the Puracyn team. Here’s how the day ended:


I’ll be sure to post the video as soon as it’s ready!





Adventure Run!

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Hey everyone!

I have a favorite running store. It’s called Road Runner Sports. Not only do they have the best shoes and a really awesome VIP program, but every month, they also have an “Adventure Run” where you are given a map with various checkpoints on it for you to run to and collect raffle tickets. That’s where I was tonight 🙂

The checkpoints are random and different every time so you have to do some planning in order to try and get as many tickets as possible. There are a lot of ways that you can earn extra tickets. For example, if you wear an Adventure Run T-shirt, they’ll give you double tickets at every station. Sometimes they might have you do burpees or pushups at the checkpoints for extra tickets, too. At the end of an hour, everyone runs back to the store with their tickets and the announcer will pull them out of a box to give away very cool prizes.

Last time, my mom, my sister, and I all did it and we won a $150 gift certificate to a Spa. My mom was very excited about that.

Tonight we didn’t win any prizes. They usually give away running shoes, Garmin watches, ear buds, and other great stuff, so I was hoping to win something like that this time, but oh well, we’ll try again next month!



Keep on running, keep on playing 🙂






Track Meet Recap

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Hi Friends!

Last weekend, I competed at my second track meet. It’s early in the season but I’ve been working hard bringing 100% to every practice. I was really pleased that I was able to cut 8 seconds off my 1500m time from 2 weeks ago, and 7 seconds off my 800m time.  It’s so true that winning is determined by what happens before the game. The meat is in your practices– and the game is dessert!

This week was a very MEATY week. The workouts got harder and harder each day and I am so glad to have a rest day tomorrow. I think rest days are just as important as workout days. I will give it my 100%! ;P










Here we go again!

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Hi Friends!

After taking some time off, I’m back in full swing with track season. I had my first meet this past weekend where I ran the 1500m and 800m events. I felt pretty strong and am happy to be training with my teammates again. You can see my results here. Now that I’ve moved up to the 11-12 yo age division, I am hoping that my teammates will be interested in doing some 4x400m relays. I’ve always wanted to do that 🙂

Here’s a short video from last night’s practice. We did MANY of these in addition to stadiums and 200m repeats. It was fun!

In between sets… My thoughts? Every attempt is an opportunity. GO!



See ya!







Chelsea King’s 5K

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2013 Finish Chelseas Run logoThis past weekend I participated in a really unique 5K race. I recently learned about this event through some friends of mine who were putting together a team. Chelsea King was a high school cross country runner and straight-A student from Poway, CA.

In 2010 she was murdered while doing a practice run after school. I don’t like hearing stories like this. Her story felt particularly bad to me because she was a runner and was hurt while doing what she loved.

I heard that her favorite colors were orange and blue, so the night before as I was getting ready, I pulled out some orange shorts and a blue tech shirt to wear. When I got to the race, I saw people carrying sunflowers. This was her favorite flower. As I looked around, there were sunflowers everywhere. Pictures of them. People carrying them. It was really cool. I thought about Chelsea and even though I didn’t know here, I could feel how much she is loved and missed.

I didn’t have a lot of time to warm up for this race because we arrived a bit late. It was really hard for my mom to find parking so I just made it to the starting line with about 15 minutes to go. I found a place at the start and jogged in place a bit and did a few standing stretches.

Once the horn sounded I was off. The course was not flat. It had several gradual and long inclines that made it tougher than usual. Throughout my run, I just kept seeing sunflowers everywhere. There were a lot of runners wearing blue and orange, too. There was a band playing live music. I felt like Chelsea King was there. It was really neat.

As I made the final turn, I was relieved to see the finish line. This run was for Chelsea. I finished her run.



