Don’t just practice… Practice like a champ!

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*guest post at Team NOW

I read an awesome quote today by someone called, Coach K. He said,

“To have championship season, you have to have championship practices.”

I really really believe that is true. I’ve always thought that it doesn’t matter how many practices I go to, or how long I practice for. If I don’t bring my absolute best efforts TO the practice, I may as well not count it. Last year when I won the Junior Olympic Cross Country Championship, I knew in my heart that I didn’t just have a great race. I had great practices. Even though there were so many days when I didn’t feel like giving 100%, I always reminded myself what I wanted and why I was there in the first place.


When I remember why I am there, it is much easier to dig deep and endure the challenges. Just last week, I had to do a hills workout in 90+ degree heat. I knew it was going to be painful. I had 3 hills to choose from and I picked the steepest, toughest one.

14 of these with a single 1-minute rest in the middle made for my championship practice.

Until next time– keep crushing it.