Coolest care package ever!

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*guest post at Team NOW

Hello NOW Friends!

Look what came in the mail:

Cool—thank you, NOW!! I love my NOW bars. Honeycomb with Chia and Raisins are my absolute favorite.

Today was my first day back to school. I’m in 5th grade. The day was great but I forgot how long the days can feel without an afternoon snack. I never go to a practice or race without water and a NOW bar, so I can’t believe I totally forgot to do the same for school today. Never again!

I’m excited for my 2nd day of school and my workouts after school. I’ll be doing a running workout (1000 meter repeats at threshold pace) followed by a swim workout. Yeah!

See ya!




Soccer on the brain

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I love playing soccer, but I’m fairly new to the competitive side of it and learning the technical/ foot skills has been a new challenge for me. This year I am excited to be on a team with great players and a great coach. I learn sports best by watching other people and then practicing like crazy. It’s how I learned to skateboard, break boards in tae kwon do, and even run.

Several weeks ago, I got to spend some time on the field with a friend and track teammate who is an exceptional soccer player. He was nice enough to give me some basic tips and practice drills to work on. I learned so much that I started practicing every day on my own. While I have gotten better, I still have a long way to go 🙂

I think the skills required to play soccer can be so helpful in other sports. I’ve noticed I am quicker on my feet and more on my toes. So fun!

Last weekend, our team played in a tournament. We played four games and ended up being finalists. I was really proud of our team and how much we’ve learned in just a short time together. I believe we will continue to get better and better and it’s just the beginning!


NOW = No Opportunity Wasted!

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I’m so excited to be a NOW energy bar athlete and part of a team of athletes who also live life to the max! If you’ve never heard of NOW, definitely go check them out:


This picture was from the USA Youth Outdoor Track and Field Championships in June in Arlington, Texas. I won the 1500m event and it was my last race of the season. I had a blast! Right after this picture was taken, we went straight to Six Flags for some more high energy thrills!

I’ve been having a great summer running and cross-training, getting ready for the cross-country season. I’ll be sharing more of my NOW adventures here and over on my blog at NOW.

See ya!




PS – In case you are wondering about my intention to break the national record in the 1500m event, I did my absolute best but was unable to do it. After my last post, I did manage to cut another second off my time, but breaking the record proved to be 1 more second out of reach. I don’t regret pushing myself to reach a higher goal. That is probably the reason I continued to PR with every race. Don’t be discouraged if you try for something and you don’t get it. There is always next time!