My First 5K

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This past weekend I competed in my first 5K. That is about 3.1 miles. I had never done it before and thought why not?

The youngest age division was 12-and-under. It was a very different start than when I do the 1-mile races. The start was very very casual. They didn’t give any announcements, just all of a sudden a horn went off and tons and tons of people just started moving. There were a lot of people walking, pushing strollers… I was nowhere near the front and tried to just weave my way through all the people. I knew that my time wouldn’t start until I crossed the starting line, but I was excited to get going.

Once I got past the starting line, I took off. There were so many people to go around. I noticed as I ran by, I overheard several comments. Someone said, “Hey look at that little guy- good job buddy!”

Another man pushing a jogger said to his baby, “Wow look at this kid, I hope you are like that one day.”

Several people just said, “Way to go, kid!”

I thought that was nice.

The track had several cones so I knew exactly which way to run. After each mile, they also had an announcer tell you the gun’s split time. After the first mile, it was 7:50. After the 2nd mile it was 14:25. I came into the finish at 22-something. My official race time was 21:10.

Somewhere during the 3rd mile, I saw someone ahead of me who looked like he could be in my age division. He looked 11 or 12. I decided to try to catch up to him. As I got very close, he saw me and started sprinting away.

I kept increasing my pace and about a minute later I caught up to him again and passed him. I thought he might try to catch back up with me so I kept my pace high but I wasn’t sprinting. He never did catch up. Later, I found out I placed in 2nd and he placed 3rd, 30 seconds after me.

Have you watched Secretariat? I saw it a few weekends ago. I sort of felt like Secretariat during that part. Secretariat comes from behind and then increases his lengths ahead of who he passes. That was such an inspiring movie.

Anyway, I had a blast at the race and hope to try one again soon.

There was a really nice man at the end of the race who said he felt awesome during his entire race and not a single person passed him, until I did. He wanted a picture with me. He was really nice 🙂

Why Running Is Fun!

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Yesterday I ran in the 2010 Junior Carlsbad Race. Anyone can participate even if you can only crawl. This was my second year and it was a beautiful day.

I get butterflies in my stomach at the starting line because there are so many kids and you don’t know what’s going to happen. I dedicated my race to my dog, Cash. Exactly 1 week ago yesterday, he died suddenly and I miss him terribly.

During the last stretch of the race, I was running side-by-side with another competitor. I thought about Cash and I felt like he gave me an extra boost of power. It was just what I needed.

I love you, Cash!

Click here to see the results from yesterday’s race.

Watch video highlights from the race:

10 more miles..

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When school started this year, I was introduced to the running club. This is where you can run around our 1/4 mile track during recess each day and on Friday mornings before school.

I noticed a lot of older kids wearing t-shirts from last year that said, “I ran 100 miles” and I wanted a t-shirt like that, too. So I decided I would try to run 100 miles. That’s 400 laps. I really like running. After every 5 miles, the running club gives you a plastic foot to put on a key ring.

Today, I reached the 90 mile mark. I only have 10 more to go! My goal is to finish 100 miles before Christmas break. I think I will make it. I am really excited.