Thank You!

Hey Everyone!

This page is dedicated to all of the AMAZING local businesses that have supported me and my school. Please click on their logos and check them out. It is no wonder their businesses are BOOMING– They are givers! THESE FOLKS ROCK!!!!!!

A special shout out to Mr. Patrick Farley of Flippin’ Pizza in Vista, CA!!!

Yo yo yo.. Dr. Tsai rocks as a major Go-Giver and a supa fly pediatric dentist!


Dr. Zarnowitz in San Marcos supports Carrillo Elementary and local kids. Dr. Z takes it to the HOOP!

Yo yo yo… Big HOLLA to Ms. Sally Baldridge!!! Thank you!


Five fist pumps for Ms. Valentina Videnoff at Spice Wellness in La Costa!!!


I HEART Kelly Hartford and the generous folks at Jimbo’s!

Thank you, Bonnie Hartland @ Curves in Carlsbad!

Who doesn’t love Legoland? Thank you!!


Dr. Craig is one aMaZiNg endodontist!

Thank you, Allison Tarter, for your kind support! I’m a fan!!

*To the individuals who so kindly gave to my campaign but chose not to be named here, THANK YOU.

Heartfelt gratitude to the fabulous donor who donates $1 for every mile I run! WOWWWW!!!!


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! It is because of individuals and businesses like the ones listed here that I have been able to give over $2,500.00 to my school. This money goes directly towards keeping Carrillo Elementary and it’s programs top-notch.

As a future business owner, I will never forget the example that these individuals and businesses have set for me. I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE DAY THAT A LOCAL KID ASKS ME TO HELP HIM!

I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Max =)