A Runner Named Meb

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I just finished reading an article from yesterday’s San Diego Union Tribune. I am interested in it because it talks about a runner, and I love running. The person’s name is Meb Keflezighi. He ran the 5 boroughs of New York and won it. He was the 1st American to win since Alberto Salazar in 1982.

Towards the finish line, he said he felt a sense of relief that he had done it. In his 12th attempt at that distance, he won a marathon. Until then his silver medal at the 2004 Athens Olympics represented his awesome achievement.

He also did one in New York and one in Boston. He said it was a blessing. He also went to about 20 National Championships!

Meb had a vision for himself before he ran. Before his New York victory, he had not run a good run in Boston and took third. He started getting worse and worse. His appearance fees started dropping.

At the 2008 trials he broke suffering the pain. The sport moved away from Meb. He had a lot of injuries and people started to doubt his ability to do well anymore.

But Meb is not a quitter. He does not take the easy road ever, and challenges don’t affect him. Meb says that he is now fit and is setting a goal on a 10 miles training run in September.

I admire Meb’s passion.